Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spiritual, But Not Religious


I like to think about the idea of God. I like to think critically, to doubt and to imagine.

I like the idea of a god/higher power that sees me, without the intervention of a hierarchy of priests and saints.

I find it more ennobling to believe myself to be a soul reincarnated here to learn, than a slight improvement on a monkey.

I find comfort in the idea that there might be something more after this life, but I don't want to live my life just to get to it.

I am more tolerant of other people and ideas than [insert religion here] would allow me to be.

I am not blind to the mutually-exclusive nature of many religions.

I wonder what it is that enables human beings to act in purely self-sacrificial ways.

I think many of us have experiences that defy a strict materialist explanation; for lack of a better paradigm, we tend to think of these things as 'spiritual'.

... but not religious.

I don't like hypocrisy. People are human, and they make mistakes, but somehow that never stops them from trying to tell others how to live.

I was raised to think for myself in every other area of my life. Why should the realm of spiritual things be any different?

I want to be charitable, but I want to know that I'm helping buy food for the needy, and not a new gym for a church, so I donate directly to the food bank.

I find it hard to be associated with an organization/belief system that has done so much damage in the name of doing good.

Don't even get me started on how women have been devalued in the name of religion.

I think the world would be a better place if people were less reliant on authority to tell them what to think.


  1. Now what are you going to do with this? Change the world? Start your own non-church? Should we call it a Belief Group instead?

  2. Gack - who wants followers?? (Wait, don't answer that...) Even if you come up with something clever to call yourself (possibillionaire), it all really just boils down to your attitude towards authority.
